Our favorite books of 2021

We can’t believe 2021 is over. It was definitely a year of ups and downs, but thank god we had good books to carry us through. I didn’t quite hit my goal of 100 books thanks to a slow and uninspired end to the year, but I did get through 82 new books, and I […]

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Everything We Read in April 2021

what we read in April banner

T.S. Eliot said April is the cruelest month, but it was actually a pretty great month in Brooklyn—cherry blossoms, spring weather, things starting to open up, and VACCINES! We also managed to find time to fit in a good about of books this month, 10 for E and 6 for A. E’s books Open Road […]

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Everything we read in March 2021

book covers from march

We didn’t read anything in common last month, so that means we have fourteen different books to share with you! We covered a lot of ground this month from super engrossing fantasy trilogies to all-girls boarding schools to surrogacy camps, so hopefully you find something interesting! A’s books March was a slower month of reading […]

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12 of our favorite female characters in literature

our favorite female characters

We love a complex female character! No book criticism ever notes that the male character is unlikeable, because even if a male character is insufferable—and we can think of many examples—they are still seen as redeemable and interesting.  To celebrate the final day of Women’s History Month, we wanted to give you a list featuring […]

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A few of our favorite books by AAPI authors

Book covers by AAPI authors

The horrific events in Atlanta are disturbing, and the more than 3,800 reported hate incidents against Asian Americans in this country have pulled back the curtain on the hate and deeply entrenched racism in the United States. We urge you to educate yourselves on this issue and consider donating to the AAPI Community Fund, GoFundMe’s […]

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TV shows based on books we love

Tie-in covers for favorite books that are now TV shows

After reading, watching TV is one of our favorite pastimes, and there is nothing better than one of our favorite books being turned into a binge-worthy show. Read till the end for some of our top picks for new shows based on books coming out later this year! Available now Binge these on your favorite […]

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