The Quarantine Roundup: What We’re Reading, Eating, Watching, Buying, and Loving

Welcome to a new segment we’re calling the Quarantine Roundup. Every week we’ll give you a look into all the (Covid-friendly) things we’re reading, eating, watching, buying, and loving.


A:  The Once and Future Witches by Alix Harrow. Loving it so far– the book combines suffragettes with magic in a feminist twist. This Atlantic article also really gave me something to look forward too. I can’t get that vaccine fast enough!! 

E: Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell—almost done with this one after slowly reading over a couple weeks. It’s a beautiful and sad book about Shakespeare’s wife and children. This article from The New York Times that analyzes what makes a great literary romance by looking at history’s most famous examples. I’m a sucker for a good romance novel and found this be an interesting look into what makes the best ones tick! 


A: I tend to have two speeds when it comes to cooking; extremely time consuming and complicated that usually results in me not even wanting to eat it by the time it’s done or shoveling a sad salad into my mouth standing up in my kitchen. I’m trying to find the middle ground, and this Ina Garten Roast Chicken Cobb Salad was perfect. I added a perfectly jammy egg and some focaccia on the side—the perfect meal! 

E: I ate so much take out this week, but I regret nothing. Especially loving Ursula in Crown Heights. Their breakfast burritos and donuts are to die for. 


A: I just started re-watching Peaky Blinders, and am loving it! On a less serious note, I am a devoted Bravo watcher, and this week’s Real Housewives of Atlanta was a cinematic masterpiece. Must watch television. 

E: I am also watching Peaky Blinders for the first time—a revelation! I have also been unenthusiastically keeping up with this season of the Bachelor, but otherwise not much time for TV. 


A: I recently bought this Ganni top on the Outnet and love it! Perfect for spring and makes me feel hopeful about actually wearing it outside my apartment. It’s on super sale, don’t wait! 

E: I used to have a pair of these M. Gemi slipons and wore them into the ground. I just bought a new pair in black leather on Poshmark, and I can’t wait for the snow to melt so I can wear them outside.


A: I just subscribed to Aminatou Sow’s newsletter Creme de la Creme, and am so excited to get the first one in my inbox! 

E: I don’t drink coffee, but I am obsessive about tea. I honestly probably drink at least six cups of tea a day while I work. I love David’s Tea for fun loose leaf flavors, especially the Jasmine Creme Brulee and the silk dragon jasmine organic

Hope some of these things will brighten your week like they did ours!

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