The Quarantine Roundup: March 14

This week was LONG, but we’re excited for the longer days coming with daylight savings! Feels like we’re rounding the corner with winter and have the summer (and vaccinations!!) to look forward to.  What we’re…. Reading:  A: I just bought My Year Abroad by Chang-rae Lee, and I’m loving it so far! I think this […]

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The Quarantine Roundup: What We’re Reading, Eating, Watching, Buying, and Loving

Welcome to a new segment we’re calling the Quarantine Roundup. Every week we’ll give you a look into all the (Covid-friendly) things we’re reading, eating, watching, buying, and loving. Reading:  A:  The Once and Future Witches by Alix Harrow. Loving it so far– the book combines suffragettes with magic in a feminist twist. This Atlantic […]

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Our Favorite Bookstores in New York City


We both live in Brooklyn, but when it comes to bookstores, we do not discriminate by borough. We’ve gone on excursions just to visit a bookstore and consider ourselves to be quite the connoisseurs. We will continue to update this list as we discover more of New York City’s best bookstores, so keep checking back […]

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