10 tips to help you read more this year

stack of books to read

In 2020, we read a combined 112 books, which is objectively a lot of time spent reading. Of course some of this is due to the fact that we live in the U.S. and have therefore been in quarantine for almost a year, but we also have some tried and true tips to make reading a habit and get your book count up in 2021.

1. Stop doom scrolling.

When you find yourself doom scrolling (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), switch to a book. We constantly find ourselves locked in the vicious news-instagram-twitter-email death spiral. Try to be conscious of when you are doing that, and grab a book instead. Even if you spend 30 minutes a day reading instead of on TikTok, that really adds up at the end of the year. A sets a timer on all of her social media apps, so once she’s timed out, she turns to a book for the rest of the night. 

2. Don’t feel bad about abandoning books.

DNF with no regrets. It can be hard to put down a book that you bought expecting to love, but if you want to read more, that’s exactly what you need to do. We can’t tell you the number of times we’ve started a book, thinking it will get better as we go along…and it never gets better. These books make us not want to read, and the best thing you can do is find something else.  

3. Prioritize reading.

During quarantine, E spent most of her time reading instead of watching TV. Choose an audiobook instead of a podcast. 

4. Make your books accessible.

If you always forget a book when you leave the house, download the Kindle app on your phone (you never forget your phone). Hardcover books are great, but they are also heavy and hard to carry around. Try to find a format that fits your lifestyle and makes you more likely to read.

5. Get books for free.

If cost is an issue for you, there are so many ways to get great books at little or no cost. Check out the used section of your local bookstore. Ask a friend if they can lend you something. Get a library card! Take a long walk in Brooklyn, and I can almost guarantee you will stumble across a box of free books. 

6. Talk about books with friends

Choose a book to read with a friend or family member, then chat about it! During the pandemic group zooms have gotten kind of boring and repetitive. Try choosing a book to read, then meet to discuss (wine encouraged!). Book clubs are the best way to feel excited about a book while also having a built in deadline. A also recommends following some book influencers on social media to discover something exciting. 

7. Give audiobooks a try

They aren’t for everyone, but a great option for making the most out of your exercising or commuting time. E even likes to listen to non-fiction audiobooks (on 1.3x speed) while doing the dishes or cleaning her apartment. 

8. Find books you really enjoy.

Read books you like, not just what’s considered prestige. If you like romance or thrillers, don’t feel like you need to read literary fiction or nonfiction. The best way to read more is to read books that engage you. Don’t let anyone book shame you or pressure you into reading something you know you won’t like! 

9. Set achievable goals.

If you read 5 books in 2020, don’t say you’re going to read 52 in 2021. Maybe shoot for 15 instead. You don’t want to get halfway through the year and realize you’re never going to get to your goal, and you give up. 

10. Join Goodreads.

Say what you will, but tracking all our books really keeps us motivated to keep reading and see what our friends are up to. It’s our favorite social media app and we are ALWAYS trying to get more people to join—you can tell a lot about a person from what they read. Follow us on Goodreads here!

Hopefully these tips will help you read more this year! Have any of these worked for you? Let us know if you have any reading tips in the comments!

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